I've just about wrapped up my move to Saint Paul, and I need to thank EVERYONE who helped me out during my three
day moving sale. I was very happy to not have to pack and unpack the work you all purchased. Again, THANK YOU.
Here are the last two prints I made at Motel Jim, both of which will be in the show Metal Masters show opening at Wootini
Gallery in Carrboro, North Carolina on Jan 8th and showing through March 8th. Titled Death Metal and Alien Pin Up respectively, you can purchase your own copy by clicking on their titles above.

For the second time this year, I am moving my studio. However, this time it is not down
a mere two flights of stairs. It is across a river! After 6 years of life here at Motel Jim, I am moving out and over to St.
Paul to share a house with my fiance Nikki (btw, I am engaged, which is pretty big news too!).
To help this transition along, I am having a 3 day sale, Monday Dec 7th through Wednesday Dec 9th. It is my hope to lighten
my inventory (less to move is a very appealing idea), help my moving costs, and provide all of you with a chance to load up
on my work at a great price during this tough economic gift giving season.
My Etsy store is
the epicenter of the event. EVERYTHING will be marked down, and I've been listing new work on a near daily basis for a good
while. I've been cleaning out the closets and emptying out the dust covered boxes, putting up for sale work that you have
probably never seen. I will also have most of the prints in my website's store marked down, as well as the items I have for
sale in my Gigposters.com classified section. All work will be shipped by the end of the week, so you will have it in time
to re-wrap it up for Christmas.
You can find my Etsy store here:
http://www.etsy.com/shop/dwitt75You can visit my website store here:
http://www.dwitt.com/id47.html Check out my Gigposters.com classifieds here:
Last night at the Soo Vac gallery in Uptown MPLS, this years Toys in the Attic show opened to great fanfare and
success. It is up for one more day, Saturday Dec 5th from 11-4pm. After that the show comes down.
The print I
made for the show is titled ' The Best Crash in the Galaxy', and you can buy a copy for yourself HERE in my store.