Sunday, June 17, 2012
One week left to get my book funded
Time is running out on getting my book funded on Kickstarter.
7 short days remain to reach my funding goal. Once we hit the $4,500 mark, the book WILL be made. If we can get
the $5,500 mark, I will expand the book to 104 pages. If we can get beyond that, I'll come up with some other method of making
the book even better. Any level of funding will help, and I also need your help spreading the word about my book. Twitter,
Facebook, share it with everyone. Thank you in advance, now, lets make a book! Portraits Volume One by DWITT on Kickstarter
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Thursday, June 14, 2012
Universe Cruiser.
At long last, I can reveal the most complicated print I have ever created... 'Universe Cruiser' was my submission into this year's ever amazing Artcrank print show. It is a record holding 16 colors, and you can buy one for yourself right HERE.
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Sunday, June 10, 2012
The Growler
There is a brand new magazine on the streets on the Twin Cities,
and its all about BEER! Brought to you by the minds behind the Beer Dabbler events, I am excited to tell you about the launch of The Growler. It's a FREE bi-monthly publication distributed throughout the Twin Cities to engage the beer enthusiast and inform the
beer curious. I am deeply honored to be the cover artist for each issue, and I also contribute a new Louie The Loon cartoon
in the back of each one. In celebration of The Growler's release,
all of my beer related prints in the DWITT Market are $5 off for the rest of the month of June. No coupon codes this time, the price is just marked down for all of you
beer lovers out there. While supplies last. Cheers!
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