Back in the frigid month of February, shortly before leaving on my honeymoon overseas, I created a poster for a bike trail
party that took place this weekend during the blistering hot summer. If you went, survived, and would like a memento of the
event, you can buy the poster here in my shop:
I also have some sales going on through July 27th.
25OFF is the coupon code to get you 25% off in my Etsy store.
and SUMMER11 is the coupon code to get 25% off in
the DWITT Market.
Stay cool everybody!
Over my 4th of July weekend, I was busy with the largest print job I have done to date. 2,400 pulls of
the squeegee over 4 days to create a poster celebrating Saint Paul's own Summit Brewing Co.'s Pilsener beer. Look for the poster soon around town at your favorite restaurants and bars, as well as for sale at the
brewery and online in their store. I'm very pleased with how it turned out, and honored to have done something for Summit.