The ink has been getting thrown around a lot lately here at DWITT HQ, and I've still got a few prints to go before
I can take a break. I'll post release info for each print as the time comes, but for now I can at least show you the stuff
I've been working on... but before I do that, a couple other things
Louie The Loon is now online on his fourth adventure over at Heavy Table. The response has been great, and its looking like there will be many more. Thank you kind folks. As a result of all of this
work, I have been neglecting my DWITT Dailys duties. I'll try to get back to them as soon as I can.
Now, on to some images...

It's a big weekend in the Twin Cities... and unfortunately I won't be around to enjoy it. I'll be up in North Dakota
where I am VERY pleased to once again be a guest artist at Minot State University's NOTSTOCK event. I'll be screenprinting a brand new print in my Last Words series, talking about my work, probably do some
drawing, and having a fine time with the good folks at MSU.
Back here in the Twin Cities two big events
are going on:
The Saint Paul Art Crawl! My studio in #411 of the JAX bulding WILL be open, helmed by my lovely wife Nikki, who will also have some
of her work up for display and for sale. Hours are 6-10pm on Friday Oct 7th, noon-8 on Saturday Oct 8th, and noon-5 on Sunday
Oct 9th. I might be home in time on Sunday to catch the tail end of the crawl, and also to see how well Saint Paul is recovering
from hosting its first...
ZOMBIE PUB CRAWL! Look for my map in the centerfold of this week's print edition of Vita.MN, and my posters for this years crawl will be available
for sale online on Oct 10th. ...brains..... Have a great weekend everyone!