Thursday, June 18, 2009
speaking of sales.....
My Summer Surprise Tube Sale is back! For one low price, you get a bare minimum
of 5 screenprinted posters of my choosing. Click HERE to purchase your surprise tube today!
5:33 pm edt
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
The Next One Day Sale!!
Due to the fantastic response and happy customers from my last one day sale, I have scheduled another one
day sale for Friday, July 10th. For that day only, every item in my DWITT Etsy Store will have a reduced price. That includes original poster art, original paintings and drawings (many from the
recent 'Naturally' exhibition with Christopher Bowman), limited edition art prints and posters, and one of a kind monoprints.
It is a great chance for you to pick up some original art from me that may have been just out of your budget before, and its
a chance to show my appreciation to all of you who have supported me. My five year anniversary of being a full time artist
is coming up in September, and I'll plan another event to commemorate that. 'To climb steep hills requires a
slow pace at first' - Shakespeare
9:43 am edt
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Sunday, June 14th 6-9pm. See you there!
Howdy everyone! Hope your summer is blossoming into one for the ages. This coming Sunday, June 14th, myself and 7
other Twin Cities poster designers will be gathered at Magers and Quinn booksellers in Uptown Minneapolis to celebrate the
release of the book Gig Posters Volume 1. We'll all have a table set up selling our own posters and prints, and we encourage
all of you to pick up a copy of the book. Mr. Clay Hayes of did one helluva fine job putting this book together.
The event goes from 6-9pm on sunday, so stop by and say hello! Magers & Quinn Booksellers and present a release party and poster sale to celebrate the publication of Gig Posters Volume I Magers and Quinn Booksellers hosts a poster
sale by 8 Minneapolis designers. Come browse the aisles as we display assorted screen-printed works from these talented concert
poster artists throughout the store. The Minneapolis poster artists are:These are the artists responsible for the yearly success of the “Poster Offensive,” SXSW’s “Flatstock.”
and One on One Bike Shop’s “Artcrank.“ Come meet them in the comfortable confines of the Twin Cities’
largest independent bookstore. As an added bonus, Magers & Quinn’s entire selection of music books will be an additional
10% off all day Sunday, June 14. An oversized 11-by-14-inch paperback, Gig Posters Volume I is a spectacular compilation of rock show art (and a great way to decorate a dorm room or apartment). The book, available
in June, features eight designers and design collectives from the Twin Cities and showcases artwork created for First Avenue,
7th Street Entry, 400 Bar, Triple Rock Social Club and music venues all across North America. Gig Posters Volume I includes 101 perforated and ready-to-hang posters along with hundreds of other poster images and designer biographies. was created and is maintained by Clay Hayes who resides in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The website launched in January, 2001.
Showcasing the worlds largest historical gig poster archive, this massive online art gallery is home to thousands of designers
from around the world.
6:17 pm edt
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
3 new art prints
On Wednesday, June 3rd, three new art prints go on sale here in my store. All three are included
in the 'Naturally' exhibition, and were all collaborations with Christopher Bowman as well. Get copies for yourself tomorrow!
9:36 am edt
Monday, June 1, 2009
Naturally thanks
Enormous thanks to all who came out on Saturday night for the opening reception of 'Naturally'. Christopher and
I are grateful and are very excited about the response, solidifying in our minds that we should definitely do more work together.
'Naturally' continues this weekend, open saturday and sunday noon-5, so if you missed it, there is still a chance to see our
collection of new work, totalling 184 pieces comfortably stuffed into the Back Alley Gallery.
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